If you are not fully informed about the legal (labour, tax, and social security law) rules of the European country you want to expand to, PEO services are the solution. We take care of international employment services, such as HR outsourcing processes, taxation, and payroll. No worries about compliance, setting up entities, and international payroll.
You hire talent with an EU nationality yourself
You can hire talent with an EU nationality yourself, regardless of where your company is located. This means that you will be the legal employer and that you can hire talent from anywhere in the world.
You do not need to set up a legal entity in the Netherlands
You do not need to set up a legal entity in the Netherlands to do this.
We will take care of all administrative HR tasks
We will handle comprehensive HR services for you, including payroll processing, HR compliance, risk management, employee benefits, processing foreign social security, pension premiums, and employment tax. Our partner LIMES international advises on eligibility, applying for, submitting and handling the 30% ruling with their unique online tool.